A proposal to apply a human rights and public health approach to the EU asylum and migration policy.
This article studies the impact of the restrictive measures related to the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, on the European asylum and migration policy. It focuses on some of the difficulties encountered by international protection applicants to exercise their right to asylum, and on the influence that Covid-19 might have had on their living standards. Based on that, the objective of the research is to study whether the New Pact on Migration and Asylum proposed by the European Commission in September 2020, considers those obstacles, and offers solutions to ensure the respect of fundamental rights while preventing threats to public health. The article ends up with recommendations for further integration of the fundamental rights and public health perspective in the European and Asylum policymaking.
About the author
Marguerite Arnoux-Bellavitis is a Human Rights PhD student at the University of Palermo. She holds a Master degree in European Studies, and another one in Human Rights and Democratisation. Marguerite previously studied in Paris, Rome, Cracow, Venice and Maastricht. Her research topics include the European asylum and migration policy, and the respect of fundamental rights and the rule of law within the European decision-making process.
#COVID19 #MigrationPact #NewPact #Asylum #EuropeanHealthUnion #FundamentalRights