Video Statement by Professor Joseph Nye
The Institute of European Democrats (IED) is proud to present the 39 Research Papers which have been selected in the frame of its Call for Papers on Geopolitics & Values: what is the real power of the EU? launched in July 2020. The 39 selected research papers are bringing new ideas and proposals to redefine Europe's role and mission on the global scene after the COVID-19 crisis. Through this research, the IED wishes to provide democratic ideas & solutions to promote a new effective multilateralism. We wish you a good reading....
Soft power can be defined as the use of a country's cultural and economic influence, as an effective substitute to military power. The European Union is commonly perceived as a 'soft power', promoting democracy and fundamental rights with its neighboring countries and globally. Based on both, cultural heritage and creative industries, the 'soft power' make at the same time very important parts of European GDP and jobs.
How can this approach be maintained while this position is being challenged in the last years by re-emerging hard power and 'sharp power' policies?
The recent COVID-19 crisis has profoundly shaken the international scene, showing the fragilities of single countries going it alone and the strategic necessity of global cooperation and solidarity in the field of health care and scientific and medical research in particular.
Can the COVID-19 crisis more generally be used as a catalyst for change in international relations? How can multilateralism be relaunched and what could be the role of the EU in this new setting? Which traditional or new tools of 'soft power' can be used in this context to promote Europe's values on the global scene such as democracy, rule of law, liberties, solidarity, sustainability?
Here come the answers from our fellow researchers....
Research Papers
EU Climate Diplomacy: a tool to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic and promote effective multilateralism?
Angeline Sanzay
Mutuality above Geopolitics : Reshuffling EU strategic communication in COVID-19 times
Domenico Valenza
Multilateralism and identity. Can the COVID-19 pandemic create a sense of common sharing and an improvement in international relations?
Jacopo Giraudo
Towards Normative Power Europe: The EU as a standard-bearer of multilateralism and the role of European norms and values in the post-pandemic geopolitical order
Dawid Aristotelis Fusiek
The influence of COVID-19 on the European Asylum and Migration Policy - Making health a priority while ensuring respect for fundamental rights
Marguerite Arnoux Bellavitis
EU and Latin American Relations: A Return to Multilateralism
Nicholas Beaumont
Against the Exception: public policy for knowledge and privacy
Sara Soto Velasco
The Power of EU Soft Law - EU’s global leadership in promoting multilateralism through soft law
Hava Yurttagül
EU’s Soft Power in Green Diplomacy: Scaling-up Consensus from Subnational and National Initiatives
Clara Volintiru
Lessons learnt by the EU during the pandemic that can be used as potential soft-power tools
Eliza Vas
Can the EU’s soft power counter China’s hard line? Comparison of the twopower’s international response to the COVID-19 crisis.
Laia Comerma Calatayud
Defining Europe during COVID-19 pandemic: EU’s discursive construction of public health
Iverson Chun Sing NG
Due time for Due Diligence? Resilience and vulnerability in European supply chains amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
Bronagh Kieran
Covid-19 and the future of multilateralism: a European challenge
Domenico Bovienzo
EU’s scramble for digital sovereignty. Why being the global regulator will not be enough
Nicola Bilotta
Can the Covid crisis lead to legitimization of European Union's Foreign Policies? Lessons from Belarus.
Mikołaj Bronert
Values and Crises of the European Union: Reflecting on the Narratives of Values and Crises in the State of the Union Addresses 2010 - 2020
Sofia af Hällström
Boosting Sovereignty and shaping the Rules. At the time of Covid-19 crisis , the EU can play a leading role in digital transformation
Duccio Maria Tenti
Choosing the Best Forum: The ASEAN as a Regional Partner for the EU’s Climate Diplomacy
Thibaut Le Forsonney
Giving European Soft Power a Roof: Towards new innovative models for an enhanced European Global Actorness Amidst Covid-19
Gabrielle Bernoville
Food security promotion in Times of Climate Change and Covid-19: A battle of narratives shaping a fragmented EU Policy action ?
Tommaso Emiliani
Towards a more effective EU diplomacy: a comparative analysis of the EU soft power in Ukraine and Belarus
Christian Contro
How can a common European historical memory enhance EU's soft power after the COVID-19 crisis?
Ionuț-Mircea Marcu
What kind of power? How the Covid-19 crisis affects the orientation of EU as a global actor
Konstantinos Papanikolaou
The European Union and its role as a promoter of European values and peace in world politics
Begoña Garteizaurrecoa Azua
European values, the key for the geopolitical success
Asier Areitio
The EU as the great influencer. Fighting disinformation during the COVID-19 infodemia
Handy Francine Jaomiasa