The European Union and its role as a promoter of European values and peace in world politics

Research Paper by Begoña Garteizaurrecoa Azua



Just by acting together, strengthening the bonds among the member states the European Union will be able to meet the needs of the citizens and maintain its leader role in the world’s politics.

With a sanitary, economic and political crisis worldwide and having to cope with the effects of the Covid19 pandemic, the consolidation of the Chinese giant as emerging economic and technological power and the United States of America, immersed in a political crisis and extreme division after the presidential elections, the need of defining the role of Europe in international foreign affairs is more important than ever.


About the author

Begoña has 9 years of experience in Management Consulting and Tax Law. She has participated in important projects for the Public Sector related to the redesign of both the organisation and the processes model, with an impact on the functional and even technological evolution of the information systems. She has a sound experience in working for European Institutions as well as the Member States’ authorities, in the compliance with policies and regulations and the implementation of the changes. She is the former President of the Young Democrats for Europe, the youth organisation of the European Democrat Party.

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