Uniting Cultures as the Catalyst of Multilateralism

Research Paper by Borja Saez



Increasing EU multilateralism? Two cultural policy proposals: (1) an international co-production film program and prize focused on connecting cultures and reflecting on values, (2) temporary exhibition of art pieces in the countries of origin via a museum cooperation program.

The paper aims at analyzing how multilateralism can be catalyzed by the promotion of cultural policies and Europe’s values through connecting cultures of different societies. It proposes two policies that create a bottom-up approach connecting societies first and then driving governments to strengthen the cooperation and agreements with the EU. First, an international co-production film program and prize award. Both are focused on bringing cultures closer to each other —facilitating their understanding—, on the illustration of European values and on sparking the reflection on the importance and implications of these values. Second, a temporary exhibition of art pieces in their country of origin through the creation of a museum cooperation program, building a common heritage between the EU and third countries.


About the author

Borja Sáez Martínez is committed to understanding society and connecting different cultures, ideas and people. He recently graduated from a MA in European Interdisciplinary Studies at the College of Europe. His research encompasses the field of coexistence, cooperation and political theory; focusing on the roots of society. With a background of a Double Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and Administration and Law accompanied with an academic year in China, he completed his legal background with a master’s in Legal Practice, specializing in constitutional and human rights. He has collaborated with the Spanish Embassy in Jakarta (Indonesia) and worked as a Paralegal at Fundación Raíces in Spain. Furthermore, he is

#WeArtTheSame #art #EUcreateCulture #museums #LearnFromOneAnother #EUrArt #ShareHumanCulture #film #EuropeanArtists #EUtoConnect
