Fighting disinformation requires a “whole-of-society approach” and not a Deus ex machina approach.
The COVID-19 pandemic has also generated an infodemic crisis as the world is being overwhelmed by information related to this new disease. It came upon an already battle scarred informational sector, affected by disinformation and fake news. The European Union was in a favourable position to counter it as it had already started a process of fighting disinformation just a couple of years ago. Yet the complexity of challenges ahead were sometimes hard to imagine. If the EU as a whole had some setbacks, the situation was maybe worse in some of the new Member States, many of them still new democracies. As the case of Romania proved, alongside the EU wide disinformation themes, some local ones were used (mistrust in the medical system and the authorities, etc.) in this battle. Although the situation is not dire yet, it requires a lot of focus and cooperation and a “whole-of-society approach” in order to counter the propaganda and disinformation.
About the author
Handy-Francine Jaomiasa is a communication expert. Specialised in public relations and social media with a practical mass-media background.
#disinformation #misinformation #solutions #infodemia #EuropeanUnion #Covid-19