Towards Normative Power Europe: The EU as a standard-bearer of multilateralism and the role of European norms and values in the post-pandemic geopolitical order

Research Paper by Dawid Aristotelis Fusiek



The analysis demonstrates how the EU could promote multilateralism based on its normative power.

The coronavirus pandemic has created a demand for closer multilateral cooperation. A combination of factors, such as the US-China rivalry, the EU’s pandemic response and growing capabilities, and the demand for global cooperation has paved the way for a European relaunch of multilateralism. Within this context, the EU should take up the role of a normative actor and lead the third states by example. As the EU’s normative power could prove crucial for the success of this undertaking, it needs to enhance its normative instruments, such as regional and strategic partnerships, while pursuing a European strategic autonomy. Besides the internal strengthening, the EU should promote a dynamic and autonomous foreign policy based on its normative identity. As the coronavirus has aggravated global problems, the EU should promote multilateral and bilateral cooperation on crucial transnational issues with like-minded partners and engage with big powers. The EU needs to become the third pole of influence between the US and China and utilize its normative power to enhance its geopolitical position.


About the author

Alumnus of the Utrecht University and of University of Piraeus, Dawid has an eclectic background in European Affairs, International Relations and History. In the last years, he has collaborated with various think tanks all over Europe and has published articles and research papers ranging from EU foreign policy and security studies to political philosophy.

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