European Democracy – The required institutional reform – Results of the IED Call for Papers 2023


The IED is proud to present the 14 Papers which were selected following the IED Call for Papers launched in June 2023. Through this external research project called European Democracy -The required institutional reform the Institute of European Democrats (IED) intended to award in the course of 2023 several contracts for "Research Fellowships" to  young researchers and policy analysts.

With the 2024 European elections approaching, it is crucial to address internal political challenges and reflect on questions of transparency, the energy crisis, the war against Ukraine, and the green and digital transition.The call focused on the pending electoral reform and the implementation of transnational lists. The agreement on lead candidate processes and transnational lists for the next elections is still under negotiation, requiring consideration of electoral law stability and the recommendations of the Venice Commission. Strengthening participatory democracy is another key aspect emphasized by the Conference on the Future of Europe. Recommendations include improving existing participation mechanisms, protecting democracy during emergencies, and analyzing the EU's "democratic deficit."

IED Research Papers