Democracy versus Autocracy – Why the democratic system is superior and how it can defeat autocracy

Results of the IED Call for Papers 2022


The IED is proud to present the 15 Papers which were selected following the IED Call for Papers launched in May 2022. Through this external research project called “Democracy versus autocracy – Why the democratic system is superior and how it can defeat autocracy", the Institute of European Democrats (IED) intended to award in the course of 2022 several contracts for "Research Fellowships" to  young researchers and policy analysts.

The young selected authors come from countries such as Poland, Italy, Spain, Romania, France, Belgium, Greece, Albania, North Macedonia, Finland, Bulgaria, Turkey. Their policy studies are meant to define and support with arguments why the democratic system is superior and how it can defeat autocracy. The gathered proposals deal with the impact of new technologies, digital democracy, fighting autocratisation and supporting the civil society, disinformation, the political impact of the green transition, challenges at the global level and many other fields. We wish you a good reading.

Call for papers

IED Research Papers