Can the EU embrace and export new forms of democracy, such as deliberative democracy, in light of digitalisation?
Digitalization and technological advancements are an embedded part of the reality our societies operate in and shall do so in the future. Nevertheless, digital advancement shall serve the improvement of citizen’s lives. However, if unprepared societies risk backlash and abuses from governments, with the introduction of new technologies in doing business, besides other external threats. Yet, democracy is a citizen-focused concept. Digital advancement has increased the way citizens can be included in policy making, shaping their policies and holding governments accountable, if the former is equipped with the right set of skills. However, the current representative democracy has long received criticism if it is adapting and if it is suitable to the contemporary societies, we live in. To unfold this topic and the potential that the EU has to adopt new forms of democracy, this policy paper provides concrete recommendations informed by desk research and qualitative expert interviews.
About the author
Lutjona Lula is a researcher and communications professionals with a focus on European Union and the Western Balkans. She pursued her graduate studies at the Joint Interdisciplinary Master in South East European Studies, University of Belgrade and Karl Franzens University of Graz. She holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from University of Tirana. In 2012 she has been awarded a Research Scholarship at Georgia Southern University, USA. With regard to South Eastern Europe related engagement, she has been actively involved in the Western Balkans Berlin Process, Youth Forums and EU integration related events. She has been actively engaged in research/consultancies with several bodies such as OSCE Presence in Albania, Westminster Foundation for Democracy, EU-CoE Youth Partnership etc. Her fields of interest vary from political parties, democratization, societies in transition, South Eastern Europe and the EU enlargement.
#deliberate #democracy #EuropeanUnion #WesternBalkans #TransformativePower #participation