A Youth strategy for Europe's future – IED Research Papers on EU Youth Policy


Call for Papers (June 2018)

Since its creation and throughout years, the primary goal of the Institute of European Democrats (IED) is to promote an in-depth discussion on the core aspects of the European integration process.

Today's youth is Europe's future and putting young people at the heart of the debate it's our priority.

A large number of young people in Europe is facing unemployment, disadvantaged conditions for accessing the labour market and is consequently more exposed to economic crises, inequality and discrimination. Somebody sees them as a "lost generation" but the young generation is instead a resource, a powerful and driving force for the social and economic development of the whole EU.

In the view of the next European elections, it is therefore of the utmost importance to stimulate the debate about the active involvement and the crucial role of young generation in the EU' life. With a view to shed some light on these challenges and better understand the solutions ahead, the Institute of European Democrats has launched an external research project called "A Youth strategy for Europe's future". The IED deems that a useful and effective approach is to give voice to youngsters themselves, providing a platform to present their ideas and thus contributing to the ongoing debates via a privileged point of view, while contributing at the same time to re-launch the dialogue with the young generation.

Click on the links below to download the research papers.

These publications received financial support from the European Parliament. Sole liability rests with the authors and the European Parliament is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Research Papers