The Institute of European Democrats (IED) is proud to present the Research Papers which have been selected in the frame of its Call for Papers on The European Green Deal : moving to action launched in June 2021. The 20 selected research papers are bringing new ideas and proposals to redefine Europe's role and mission on this topic. Through this research, the IED wishes to provide democratic ideas & solutions to promote a new effective multilateralism. We wish you a good reading....
Research Papers
Key Climate allies from the East: Redefining the EU Climate Diplomacy Strategy towards Asia
Angeline Sanzay
Change on the menu: the New European Bauhaus Initiative as the enabler for the co-creation on the food systems of tomorrow
Tommaso Emiliani
EU as a green normative power: How could the European Green Deal become a normative tool in EU’s climate diplomacy?
Dawid Aristotelis Fusiek
The European Union versus Climate Change. Climate Diplomacy as Expression of EU Actorness
Bogdan Muresan
The EU Green Deal and the Future of the european labour market: Which challenges and opportunities ?
Eleonora Lamio
Political stances in the EU on the Green Deal
Clara Volintiru
Paving the way for a green recovery: the contribution of the Resilience and Recovery Facility to the Green Deal
Cristina Dans
Sustainable and green transition for transport infrastructure in Romania. Case study: the metropolitan train concept implementation
Mădălina Teodor
The European Green Deal: an opportunity across national borders
Domenico Bovienzo
The EU Green Deal and climate diplomacy with countries from the Global South: Exploring different perceptions of climate threat trough anxiety emotion
Neringa Mataityte
How can the European Union act as a normative power in the green transition?
Ionuț-Mircea Marcu
The Transformative power of the New European Bauhaus : Bringing the Aspirations of the Green Deal Closer to Citizens and Territories
Gabriele Rosana
Rethinking the environmental legal personhood within the Green Deal for a more effective defence of your resources
Sara Soto Velasco
From oppression to emancipation. Energy Communities to leap towards equality
Jediael De Dompablo