For a renewed EU leadership in its neighborhood – Bring a new life to the Eastern Partnership and the Western Balkan

IED Research Paper by Mihai Sebe




The research project would analyse the political similarities between the Western Balkan states and the Eastern Partnership states. Even if the states from the two regions have been receiving a different political treatment from the EU - with the European membership option only for the Western Balkan states - in fact the similarities between them are more important than the differences. The DFCTAs states from the Eastern Partnership have been engaged in a difficult reform process. Yet their strategic goal is to become even closer to the EU. As such they are comparable with the Western Balkan states from the point of view of political indicators and they deserve a revision of the EU policies towards them. Keeping the statu quo can only generate disenchantment in these states and a possible democratic regress. A new EU leadership could see here the makings of an early win for its current foreign and security policy as well as a sign of the strength of the EU's soft power.

#Eastern Partnership #Western Balkans #democracy


Mihai Sebe, PhD, is an expert in European affairs and Romanian politics, currently working at the European Institute of Romania. He is also a member in the Scientific Committee of the Institute of European Democrats. His area of expertise includes topics such as: the history of the European idea; populism; future politics. He writes extensively on European politics both at home and abroad.

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