You can't have your cake and eat it: migration, borders control and solidarity

Research Paper by Romain Su



The subject of this paper is to clarify policy interactions between border-free travel, cooperation in the realm of homeland security, integrated border management, migration and asylum policy and regional engagement, then building a policy coherence index for the 28 EU Member States based on official positions of their governments regarding these five aspects. Unsurprisingly, more integrated border management; a fairer migration and asylum policy and deeper regional engagement have been found weakly supported by a majority of Member States, even those which declare to be committed to save the Schengen acquis. It is hoped that this paper will contribute to provide arguments to the European Parliament, the Commission and governments that have already understood that status quo in the realm of justice and home affairs is not an option, to convince other countries to make a clear choice and do what it takes to save Schengen, or leave it.

