Covid-19 pandemic accelerates the need for a EU strategic autonomy. The virus is proving to be the most relevant political and geo-political actor of change. Europe needs to provide a systemic answer to the imminent re-definition of sovereignty at global level.
The COVID-19 pandemic is proving to be the main political agent of change of the contemporary era. It redefines the internal relations of the States, between citizens, Institutions and science/techne, but also the balance between States/Nations at a global level.
In particular, it affects the redefinition of the concept of sovereignty, forcing on the one hand a more firm and pervasive control from above, as a consequence of the health emergency, but on the other the need for a stronger coordination between public policies at a transnational level.
Perhaps for the first time, the pandemic opens up the need to reflect not only on a global health policy – given the nature of the threat represented by the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 virus and, presumably, of future threats – but also on a policy of common security in geopolitical areas that have already experienced the benefits of supranational integration, as is the case of the European Union.
About the author
Gianluca Ansalone is a visitng professor of Geopolitics, Strategy and Security at the Università di Roma – Tor Vergata and the Rome Biomedical Campus. He is the author of six books and several scientific publications on geopolitics, strategy, security. His most recent publication is Geopolitica del contagio – Il futuro delle democrazie e il nuovo ordine mondiale dopo il COVID-19 ("Geopolitics of contagion – The future of democracies and the new world order after COVID-19"), Rubbettino Editore, 2021.
#Covid-19 #Democracy #Sovereignty #EU #allianceofdemocracies #GlobalGateway