The EU facing migration challenges: the principle of solidarity as the necessary guiding light to manage the crisis

Research Paper by Francesco Luigi Gatta



Freedom of movement is one of the most representative characteristics of the EU and probably the most enjoyed right by its citizens. However, after more than 30 years since the signature of the Schengen Agreement in 1985, this essential pillar of the European integration process is seriously at stake. Factors such as the huge migratory pressures, the threat of terrorism, and the alarming spread of xenophobic and racist feelings fomented by some populist political parties, have led to individual measures like the construction of walls or the reintroduction of strict border controls. In order to have an area of free movement with a high level of security and an orderly management of the migratory flows, it is necessary to implement the principle of solidarity, as it is explicitly prescribed by the treaties. This paper intends to analyse which are the different types of implementing measures adopted by the EU in this regard, in order to verify whether and in which terms the principle of solidarity in the field of migration can be considered implemented.

