60 Years of the Rome Treaty and its Eternal Legacy for the European Project

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The Treaty of Rome was signed in the so-called Eternal City of Rome exactly sixty years ago, on 25 March 1957. Together with the Treaty of Paris of 1951, the Rome Treaty is the most important legal basis for the modern-day European Union. This epoch-making document laid down the key foundations of the greatest integration of peoples and nations in European history that made Europe one of the most peaceful, prosperous, stable and advanced regions of the world.

The 60th Anniversary of the Rome Treaty is an important opportunity to remind ourselves of the original goals of European integration and the achievements the idea of united Europe has brought to our continent over the past six decades.

The fundamental legacy of the Rome Treaty needs to serve the EU Member States as a recipe how to resolve the serious crises the EU is facing nowadays and re-unite all Europeans for a common path towards an "ever closer union".

Read our special publication dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.

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