Turning Point (EN/IT) – Proceedings and Contributions after the Conference "Paris Climate 2015: Three innovative proposals from Italy"

Fondazione Centro per un Futuro Sostenibile & IED



I. The global climate agenda: the European way to Paris COP21
Davide Triacca

1. Contradictions, threats and hopes surrounding the Paris Conference. Our innovative proposals
Francesco Rutelli

2. Sustainable living on our planet Opening remarks by President Chamber of Deputies Laura Boldrini

1. Three innovative proposals from Italy

1.1 The scientific basis of climate change; a proposal to reduce non-CO2 greenhouse gases
Antonio Navarra

1.2 Land Use and Forestry: concrete proposals for the mitigation of climate change
Riccardo Valentini

1.3 Legal proposals to reach a timely and effective agreement in Paris Francesca
Romanin Jacur

2. Conference speeches

2.1 Towards COP 21: a first important step towards global GHG emission control
Carlo Carraro

2.2 The environment, climate and growth: a new cultural model starting from the territory
Catia Bastioli

2.3 The initiatives of Pope Francis and the new commitment of the Holy See to the climate and the environment. The encyclical “Laudato sì”
Flaminia Giovanelli

2.4 Climate Change, Food Security and Nutrition
Josè Graziano da Silva

2.5 What is at stake in Paris COP21, the French Precedency’s perspective
Bérengère Quincy

2.6 Quality and green economy: the Italian mission
Ermete Realacci

2.7 Environmental sustainability and economic crisis
Cesare Pozzi

3. Dynamics of energy prices and emissions reductions; economic and social implications

3.1 Introduction to a phase of instability
Alessandro Lanza

3.2 The close coupling between Energy and Climate
Fatih Birol

3.3 Is there an “optimal” price for energy?
Carlo Bagnasco

3.4 The Climate Equity
Vittorio Prodi

4. The political basis of an international climate agreement

4.1 Speech by Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Paolo Gentiloni

4.2 Speech by Minister for the Environment, the Protection of Natural Resources and the Sea
Gian Luca Galletti


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