IED/YDE Winter Academy 2018
Brussels, Belgium
Following the successful edition organized in 2015 and 2017, the edition 2018 of the IED - YDE Winter Academy took place on the 14th and the 15th December 2018 in Brussels
The main purpose of the initiative is to prepare young people to better understand the European political context and to take an active role in the democratic process.
The IED - YDE Winter Academy 2018 "The Future of the European Union. What Challenges ahead?" was focused on the next European elections, the rising of Eurosceptic and populist parties in the European Union and the EU Youth Policy.
The event was attended by 30 young delegates from different political youth organisations from 16 European countries.
More information
Presentation by Mihai Sebe: The political power of Social Media
Presentation by Mihai Sebe: The rise of Eurosceptic and populist parties in the EU
Presentation by Mathieu Baudier: European Elections
Presentation by Mathieu Baudier: Populists in Power