The European Union and the Opportunities for the Youth 2014 Erasmus+
IED Conference
Bratislava, Slovakia, 11 May 2015
The primary goal of the event was to raise awareness about the possibilities of the participation and professional and personal growth of young people in diverse programmes and concepts that the EU offers to this sector. It also presented the concrete opportunities for young people and discussed the challenges and problems that could occur within the implementation of the European programmes. As it was organised as a roundtable, it was a very interactive debate allowing all invited panellists to ask and discuss the main themes. Additionally, two simultaneously panels “The youth in the EU, the situation and the facts” and “Beyond Erasmus, acer 20 years of success” were very fruitful. The Young Europeans (Mladí Európania, ME) Slovak youth organisation partner of the Slovak European Democratic Party (EDP) have organised this conference. Luca Bader Executive Director of the Institute of European Democrats (IED) made the introductory remarks. Vlasta Kunová, Xabier Iñigo Ochandiano Marxnez, Igor Hraško, Jana Stadtruckerová, Sarah Robin debated in the first panel, and then Slavomír Rudenko (Member of the Board of Institute of European Democrats (IED), Marcela Hajtmánková, Zuzana Poláčková, Ondrej Mäsiar, and Lýdia Hirošová, a Youth Representative of Young Europeans (ME) were the speakers of the second one.
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