The Awakening of Nations, Regions and Cultural Minorities in Europe. The European Union as a Solution.
IED Seminar
Bilbao, Basque Country, 24 April 2015
Globalisation has spread, sending out signals of uniformity that have brought about the creation of new regional structures of a supranational nature that have weakened the classic nation-states which have proved to be too small to face the new global realities and, at times, too big to deal with the everyday needs of their citizens. The creation of these supranational organisations has redefined the concept of national sovereignty and restricted it in order to move forward in a community of shared sovereignties and multi-level governance. Europe is a land fertile in national cultures and minorities that reveal the continent’s roots and represent diversity and a treasure for Europeans. We are currently experiencing a revival of these minority communities who seek to strengthen their identity heritage without aspiring to become a state. The goal of the seminar was to identify key factors that could contribute to the search for solutions that would enable a political space to be built for citizens that will respect the founding principles of the European project and promote peace between the peoples of Europe. Prof. Marc Guerrero opened the conference and then the first round-table on national realities with the process of European integration was shared by Prof. Jaume Renyer and Prof. Xabier Ezeizabarrena and moderated by Mr. Mikel Anton, Member of the Board of Directors of the IED. Acerwards, there was the second roundtable on national minorities in Europe and their aspirations focussing on minority languages. Mr. Vicent Climent‐Ferrando and Mr. Johan Häggman participated at that roundtable and MEP Izaskun Bilbao was the moderator.
Marc Guerrero i Tarragò - Speech
Vicent Climent-Ferrando - Presentation