Political Foundations at the European Level

International Conference
Brussels, Rome, 26 February 2013


IED Event

At the premises of the European Parliament, on the 26th of February, the Observatory on Political Parties and Representation (OPPR) of the European Union Democracy Observatory (European University Institute of Florence) organized a conference hosted by the AFCO Committee and dedicated to Political Foundations at the European Level.

OPPR Director Prof. Luciano Bardi and OPPR coordinator Enrico Calossi organised the conference with the “idea to have the representatives of European Political foundations engaged with a number of academic experts in a debate over the role the Foundations can play in the development of European Democracy”.  The conference represented an important opportunity to reflect and to make an assessment on the contribution given by Political foundations at the European level to the development of a European public sphere. Ms Giulia Massotti participated in the debate on behalf of the Institute of European Democrats.

The event on EUDO Observatory on Political Parties and Representation of the of the European Union Democracy Observatory (European University Institute) website.

Events overview